Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The port

We arrive back at Pittsburgh on Monday March 15th. I had prayed, and prayed that we were making the right decision for Lynlee. I hated putting my daughter through another surgery, but this had to be better for her for all of us! I knew access was getting limited and the port its self might save her life. When you say it like that I know I made the right decision!

We finally got admitted and taken to our room. They wanted to start an IV on Lynlee so she could get her meds, and fluids before surgery. After trying 4 times they finally got one in the wrist, now I know I made the right decision! Monday evening was pretty uneventful we only made at least 100 trips around the nurses station with Lynlee in her stroller :)

Tuesday surgery was scheduled for 12:15. After being pushed back a couple hours she went in. They told us surgery would last around an hour and then we could see her in recovery. By 3:30 we were in recovery with her! She looked good! So much better than I remember her looking after any of her other surgeries. She was pretty cranky and groggy the rest of the evening! By 5:30 she was back on her feeds, and ammonias were staying low.

Ammonia's stayed low through out the night, and we were released to go home!

Genetics also wanted us to get weekly ammonia's since we have the port and to get weighted weekly to keep up with the meds.. Fingers crossed!!!

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