Wednesday, January 4, 2012

                      This was taken last night after surgery. Snuggling with her mommaw.

Today has been a great day! Lynlee hasn't spiked a fever since yesterday so it was the infection causing it. And things are finally going in the right direction for us again.

We had our rounds today and the doctor said that the numbers still look amazing. They are cutting down on her TPN and starting her feeds by bolus. We can start introducing solid foods. And hopefully we will be released early next week.

I just put in the order for mashed potatoes.. I'm so excited.

Lynlee was actually unhooked from everything for 3 hours today so we got to go off the floor for a walk. We stopped by 6th floor for some more frozen ice. We decided on cheesecake flavor today. It was sooo good. Lynlee had about 10 spoonfuls herself. I'll never be able to tell you what it feels like to see her opening up her mouth and wanting to eat something. For 2 years we've made her take bites and I don't know if she ever swallowed anything.  We definitely have a new way of life coming and I can't wait.

We've taken lots of wagon rides and stroller rides today! We even walked to the playroom and played for a few minutes.

                                        Man all of this moving around makes a girl tired!!

Notice the WVU shirt. We don't get much love up here but oh well! HAHA. Thought I'd blog early today so we can watch the game tonight!

LETS GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

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