Friday, September 7, 2012

Blow your whistle!!

I'm not going to lie sometimes its really hard to be around kids that are the same age or even younger than Lynlee. It's very obvious she has a speech delay and other oral delays. Her physical delay has caught up rather quickly but if you take her to the park she still sticks out. She doesn't climb up the the slide by herself or go down it for that. It's not always because she physically can't but sometimes it is depending on the situation.

She'll be three in a little over a month and I could write you a list of thing things she isn't doing and should be but I won't. I TRY so hard not to be that person that compares kids to another. It's not fair to Lynlee. Those kids that I would compare her to haven't been through 1/8 of what she has. They haven't lived in a hospital, they haven't been through multiple surgeries, they don't have a feeding tube, they haven't defied the odds like she has... So I can't compare. Lynlee has always been a kid that does things when she wanted even if she was 100% capable of doing it and she will always be that way.

She's stubborn, independent, funny, and amazing. When I think about how far we've came in 8 months it blows me away. She didn't start eating until April and look at her now. Her drinking is so much better. Her talking is improving. She's attempting things she didn't then. She's trying to use her words, she wants to talk and she WILL...

I'm not sure she even knew what her lips were for 4 months ago. She never had to use them. Never knew to close them. Blowing a bubble was a huge struggle and still is. She loves trains and whistles but couldn't blow on them....

Until today....

These are the days that make me so beyond thankful for the little things. It makes me okay with the fact that we aren't always able to get what we want because I decided to stay home and be with her. We gave up two incomes for one. So I wouldn't miss the little or big things.It makes me not take one single day or thing for granted. It gives me hope. So much hope. It gives me assurance. Assurance that we made the right decision with the liver transplant no matter what our future hold. We will always have worries but who doesn't...

So blow your whistle proudly Lynlee.. Momma is so proud and so thankful for you!

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