Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's time

It has been such a productive Saturday for me.

1. Worked on my speech for next Wednesday.. Yes it's already here! (and I could still throw up just thinking about it) but I will do it!!

2. Worked on my resume. I hadn't done that for over 3 years. Wow..

3. Looked into some preschool/ programs for Lynlee..

4. Laundry, cleaned the floors, dishwasher, etc, etc, etc.....

Yes, It's still me.. Stacy... No one has hacked my blog. and you read both 2 & 3 correctly...

It's been an emotional week with lots of big decisions made around this house. But it's time.. It's time for me to get back into the working world again. Even if it's just part time.. And it's time for Lynlee to be around other kids.

For the past few weeks I've felt suffocated, trapped, bored really.. I've been home for 3 years now and it's time move on with life. Lynlee doesn't need me like she needed me in the beginning. We made the hard decision to transplant Lynlee so she can live a normal life and it's only fair for her to do that. Not to be trapped in our house for days on end because she might get sick..

When I resigned from my job it was because it was what we needed at the time. I needed to be home and take care of Lynlee. We chose to sacrifice many things so I could be home. I'm honestly surprised we've made it 3 years on one salary alone. It hasn't been easy, but now it seems a little like nonsense to live like this. We have to do what's right for us, for Lynlee and for our future.

So on Monday I'll be actively job hunting. And we will be looking into some part time programs for Lynlee to be involved it.

I'm excited! Nervous, scared, but excited....


  1. Holy cow, that is scary, but great news! I am so happy that life has settled down enough that "normal" can come back into your life. Lord knows you guys deserve it! Lynlee will thrive in a educational program and Mama's need something that is "theirs" too, so good for you! I am thinking I might head back to work next year too. Just for the adult interaction, more than anything else. Good luck!

    1. Oh Mindy.. It's scary.. So scary.. I have no idea how you put Coorigan on that bus the first day. I'm still in awe of you and your strength. I know Lynlee needs this... but wow

    2. Best thing I ever ever ever did for him. His progress, though really slow to most I guess, has been so evident. He NEEDS school, for so many reasons. and yeah, the time to myself has been an added bonus. My mental health is important too.

  2. OH sending you some hugs and other bunch of positive mojo. When Lennon got his last transplant they told me it would be a few years before I could go back to work.. I didn't wait that long :) change is scary - change is good.. and you have the support and that... that's awesome!

    1. Oh thanks Petra. I'm going to need all of that.. You and Lennon do so well. I def. look up to you guys.. But yes it's scary... very scary..
